I think this has to be my new favourite Arteza product!! I adore this paint so much!! And have been playing around with it for the last 3 weeks, I just couldn't put my homemade palette down!! :D
A lengthy video going through a few basics of Gouache, showing a Gouache Palette, a comparison between Gouache and Watercolour, some cool background techniques, how you can paint hand drawn images or stamped images too, and at the end I even paint a little cactus in real time with you :D Hope you like the video, sorry it's sooooo long, but I didn't want to leave anything out!! I have just been LOVING this paint soooo much, I really wanted to get across how versatile it is :D :D
Main products featured in the video below - don't forget to use this code (CRaFTiPoTeNTiAl2)
on either of the Arteza websites, along with my links below to get 10% off your order :D :D

Here's my Up Close video going into depth about these paints! :D
And, here's my Setting up a Gouache Palette Video too :D
Don't forget you can also visit the Arteza YouTube channel for plenty more inspiration using all their fabulous products :D
Lots more photos below :D
My Gouache Palette! Video on this coming on Wednesday :D :D I only made it 3 weeks ago, and it's already very well loved :D :D